SSS operates in a way that always tries to put our staff first. We understand that our staff underpin everything the company achieves and if we invest in our staff and they are engaged, they will do a good job for our clients and in turn we will be more successful.
That is why we work hard to try to be a great place to work and maintain a great culture.
One of the things that is important in any organisational culture is staff recognition. That is, recognising individuals for their contribution. Recognition can come in the form of a private or public praise or in the form of something you provide like a monetary or other form of reward.
For several years now we have recognised and rewarded staff at our monthly team lunch. We encourage all staff and managers to nominate team members for specific behavior that align to our cultural values. Our values focus on things like team work, innovation, organisation, delivering great customer service, and so on. Each month someone is awarded the Cultural Excellence award for a nomination that is deemed to be the most deserving. For every 10 nominations staff receive they are inducted into our hall of fame.
One of our more recent initiatives in this space is our annual Most Value-able Award where we recognise a specific individual, who over the course of the year best represents our cultural values as demonstrated through the nomination scheme.
Recently we presented this award and trophy to Marianne Cruz-Byrne. Marianne works in our project office as our Project Coordinator.
Marianne is a great example of somebody who consistently demonstrates the SSS values.
Marianne takes great pride in her work. She is diligent and highly organised with a view across a large number of customer and internal projects. She regularly contributes to initiatives to help streamline the way we work and increase productivity. Marianne has positive relationships across our client base as well as within the SSS and she is highly personable and approachable. She adapts in difficult situations, is always professional and prides herself on providing excellent customer service.
We have 13 Values and Marianne demonstrates each of these in the way she works here at SSS.
Congratulations Marianne! This is well deserved and it’s a pleasure to have you as a part of the SSS team. Thank you for your efforts and contributions to our team.