Privileged Access
Management (PAM)

The Challenge

Privileged accounts like domain admin accounts, root accounts and superuser accounts, are the preferred targets for attackers these days. Why? Because it gives them the “keys to the kingdom,” allowing them to gain access to your most sensitive and critical information. When attackers gain these credentials, they can exploit your most sensitive information and critical systems. Privileged access gives them power to alter data, change configurations or even shut down your operations. Masquerading as privileged users, they can cover their tracks and go undetected for months or longer.

Privileged access represents a significant security risk for every organization, and privileged access management (PAM) is a discipline that must be considered a core part of every security program. While more organizations are recognizing the need to establish a practice to manage the risk of privileged access, the approach of many organizations is to simply buy a PAM tool. But, without investing the time on the underlying discipline of defining and understanding your specific risk for PAM access, implementing a PAM tool can’t solve the problem of privileged access.


SSS provides enterprise–grade Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions available as either an on-premise or SaaS deployment. Our solutions allow you to discover, manage, provision, delegate, and control access to all privileged accounts.


  • Privileged access security and password protection.
  • Endpoint privilege elevation and application control.
  • Control over service account sprawl.
  • Proactive detection of breaches and prevention of data theft.
  • Enforcement of zero trust for remote workers and third parties.
  • Unified management of multiple remote sessions.
  • Cloud password protection at devops speed and scale.

  • Audit trails and email alerts keep administrators informed of what’s going on
  • Session monitoring and recording increases visibility of privileged account activity
  • Permissions and role-based access controls give users the access they need to do their jobs
  • The ability to revoke user access once they leave your organisation


Most organisations often do not have visibility of the extent and use of privilege accounts in their organisation

SSS will provide a product specialist to find privileged accounts in the customers environment, including a report of the discovery which will include relevant findings from both the Windows and UNIX environments and include recommended remediation activities to reduce the threat of exposure with unmanaged privileged accounts

SSS will conduct a comprehensive review of your PAM implementation and detail the findings and recommendations to provide additional advice to help customers advance on their PAM journey.

The review will include

  • A review of the existing PAM deployment against best practice and with appropriate recommendations.
  • Analysis and review of the current PAM architecture and implementation.
  • Consulting services in respect of the best practice in the management of secrets, an implementation roadmap, advice on the configuration and deployment the solution and  recommendations for the future utilisation of the PAM solution

Our Partners

  • partner-thycotic

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